Booking terms and conditions

Whether booking for tattoos or piercings, we will ask you to leave a booking fee. For piercings, this will be the piercing fee, for tattoos, it will be based on the length of your tattoo.

Piercings require 4 hours to reschedule or cancel.

Tattoos require 72 hours to reschedule, or a week to cancel.

We won’t be able to refund your booking fee unless these time periods are followed. While we do know that things happen and you might not be able to make your appointment, both the shop and the artists are not able to function without income. We will do everything we can to help you keep your appointment, of course.

Rescheduling to a later date and then attempting to cancel your appointment will not protect your booking fee.

Please arrive on time for your appointment. If you’re 7 minutes late for a piercing, or 30 minutes late for a tattoo, we might need need to cancel your appointment, to ensure that we can fit in our other appointments that follow yours.

If you arrive intoxicated, without ID, or have health issues or medications that mean that we can’t proceed with your appointment, we will need to cancel your appointment. Please discuss with us in advance if you feel that there is a situation that might affect our ability to continues the appointment.

Please discuss with us in advance if you intend to use a numbing agent. These should never be used on piercings, and are very conditional for tattoos.

Obviously, if you are rude, aggressive or inappropriate towards any of the artists working here, your appointment will be cancelled.

At the end of the day, we really love our jobs and would love to help you in your body modification journey, but we can’t afford to have our appointment slots wasted, so please make sure that you can follow the conditions, and talk to us if you feel that you need any kind of assistance.